Rating (3/5)
Title – Uddishya, Banner – Chersonese Entertainment and Arch Films (USA), Executive Producers – Carlos Hagene and Gary Griffin, Director and Producer – HeMan, Music Director – Shadrach Solomon, Cinematographer – Chetan Raghuram, Original Story & Screenplay – Roberta Griffin, Cast – Hemanth, Archana Gaikwad, Akshata, Shreedhar Shastry, Iccha, Ashwatha Narayana, Anantha Velu, Anantha Padmanabha. S. A, Bharath. G. B.
‘Hollywood’ style for ‘Sandalwood’ has come in? This film by NRI ‘Uddishya’ has made such an attempt. It is based on Roberta Griffin Hollywood writer imaginary story that has been translated and modified to suit Global audience.
We have seen exorcist in the past. A bench mark film. We had in Kannada witchcraft in ‘Naa Ninna Bidalaare’.
Scores of films with horror have hit the stands. That is after super success of 6-5=2. Yet this Uddishya is different although it has passing reference to the recent 3000 Kannada cinema.
Hemanth as producer director and actor has worked on a tight screen play first. On many occasions he makes the audience to adjust to their seats with jerks. The exorcism subject he deals with knowledge but sadly the ghost of Christopher does not leave this COD cop.
What is this ‘Uddishya’ of Christopher. He wants to win death. He brings I three girls to his place makes them pregnant and the child born to them should be sacrificed on the day of birth is his calculation 16 years ago.
Out of three girls one dies after delivery of child, on this day remaining two pregnant women brutally attack because just born child is danger.
Christopher is in coma from last 16 years. Finally he is buried as doctors declare dead. The unsatisfied ghost attacks Divya second pregnant lady son. Divya is also killed later on. Now Anuradha a cop and her child Sara are left in doldrums. The cop seeks support on saving her skin from virtual collapse. What happened s when exorcism expert played by Anantha Velu arrives is climax of the film!
Hemanth in the cop on special Investigations has the right strength required for the role. Vijay kaundinya is deadly. Three girls have done competent job in respective roles.Archana Gaikwad as cop Anurdaha is quite OK. Akshata Sridhar has second release of the week emoted well. Delivery of dialogue by Anuradha character should have been very natural.
The background music, dialogues, locations, lighting for the film special effects of work are tremendous in this film.
The power of God and ghost are well showcased in this film.
This is worth watching for some of the stunning situations in the film.
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